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Mark Zarbo Clinics 2020

$295 | Register

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Mark Zarbo Clinics.
* AA, A Goalies. (3-4 goalies per clinic)
10 (1.5 hour sessions) plus 3 games (19.5 hours of ice)
$295 if registered for a Janosz weeklong camp.
* No games for Mites (2012, 2013, 2014)
Janosz Goaltending is combining with Zarbo Hockey for 10 (1.5 hour skill sessions). A Janosz Goaltending Senior Level Instructor will supervise each clinic. These clinics will focus on edgework, fundamental save skills, and game situations. There will also be an emphasis on puck tracking, rebound control, post play, and knowing how and when to use the correct save selection. There will be a maximum of 4 goalies on the ice per session.

* Goalies must be of AA, or A level and registered for a 2019 Janosz Goaltending weeklong camp.

    • – Squirt #1 (2010, 2011) Mondays April 20-July 13 @ Northtown Center (5:00-6:30pm)
    • – Pee Wee #1 (2008, 2009) Mondays April 20-July 13 @ Northtown Center (6:30-8:00pm)
    • – Bantam#1 (2006, 2007) Mondays April 20-July 13 @ Northtown Center (8:00-9:30pm)
    • – Mite#1 (2012, 2013, 2014) Tuesdays April 21-July 7 @ Holiday Twin Rinks (5:00-6:30pm)
    • – Mite#2 (2012, 2013, 2014) Tuesdays April 21-July 7 @ Holiday Twin Rinks (6:30-8:00pm)
    •  Midget/Junior Elite #2 (2003, 2004, 2005) Tuesdays April 21-July 7 @ Holiday Twin Rinks (8:00-9:30pm)
    • – Squirt #2 (2010, 2011) Thursdays April 23-July 9 @ Holiday Twin Rinks (5:00-6:30pm)
    • – Pee Wee #2 (2008, 2009) Thursdays April 23-July 9 @ Holiday Twin Rinks (6:30-8:00pm)
    • – Bantam#2 (2006, 2007) Thursdays April 23-July 9 @ Holiday Twin Rinks (8:00-9:30pm)


April 20, 2020 5:00 pm
July 13, 2020 9:30 pm
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Clinic Sold Out. Text Bob to get on waiting list: 716-308-9224Mark Zarbo Clinics - Squirt #1 (2010,2011)$295.00
2 available
Mark Zarbo Clinics - Pee Wee #1 (2008,2009)$295.00

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4 available
Mark Zarbo Clinics - Mite (2012,2013,2014)$295.00

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3 available
Mark Zarbo Clinics - Mite #2 (2012, 2013, 2014)$295.00

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3 available
Mark Zarbo Clinics - Midget/Junior Elite #2 (2003,2004,2005)$295.00

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Clinic Sold Out. Text Bob to get on waiting list: 716-308-9224Mark Zarbo Clinics - Squirt #2$295.00
2 available
Mark Zarbo Clinics - Pee Wee #2 (2008,2009)$295.00

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